5 Ways To Reduce The Risk of Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a complicated metabolic disorder that happens when a person experiences three or more of the following signs and symptoms; high body fat around the waist region, Low level Of HDL-cholesterol, High blood pressure, High triglycerides, and high fasting sugar.

Currently, a plague is gradually holding its ground in our world, and you may not even be aware of it. It can be termed different things; some call it metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, Syndrome X, or even pre-diabetes. Globally, over 40% of the population is affected by this disorder without even knowing about it. The National Institutes of Health states that this condition is gradually taking over from smoking as the main cause of cardiovascular diseases.

What is Metabolic Syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is a complicated metabolic disorder that happens when a person experiences three or more of the following signs and symptoms;

  • High body fat around the waist region
  • Low level of HDL-cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • High triglycerides
  • High fasting sugar

If you’re experiencing three or more of the signs and symptoms stated above, you meet the metabolic syndrome criteria.

What Causes Metabolic Syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome is strongly connected to overweight or stoutness and Idleness. Also, this condition and its manifestations are characterized by insulin resistance. As we all know, the digestive system is responsible for breaking down foods consumed into sugar. On the other hand, insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas to help sugar penetrate into the cells to be used as fuel.

When you’re insulin resistant, your cells won’t respond readily to insulin, and glucose can’t enter the cells to be used as fuel. Since there’s a slight blockage, less glucose enters the cell, and most of it settles in the bloodstream. On noticing this, your pancreas tries to correct this disorder by secreting more insulin to push the glucose into the cells. This overworks the pancreas and may even lead to pancreas burnout. At this stage, the metabolic syndrome turns into type 2 diabetes.

Luckily, you can revoke metabolic syndrome and reduce the risks of being affected by it through a lifestyle change. But how can I do that? And are there other ways? Let’s find out.       

How Can I Prevent Metabolic Syndrome?

Lose Some Weight if you’re overweighed

Too much body fat is the primary contributor to insulin resistance, thereby increasing the risks of metabolic syndrome. The risk is higher for those who possess a high level of body fat around their upper abdomen, waist, and midsection. This kind of fat tends to secrete chemicals known as cytokines that foster inflammation and serve as a huge contributor to insulin resistance, which directly leads to metabolic syndrome. So, if you know you’re at risk for metabolic syndrome and you’ve got those fat stuffed in your body, it is high time you lose some weight and protect yourself.

Regular Exercise

Aside from improving the brain’s functionality, exercise also improves insulin sensitivity. The American Heart Association suggests that you should at least carry out the daily exercise for 30-60 minutes most times a week. This will not only keep your muscles and brain fit but will also help in reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome.

In addition, exercise also helps manage the weakened fasting glucose and weakened glucose tolerance. Achieving this entails carrying out exercises targeted to maintain belly fat and also don’t stay stagnant for too long. Ensure you carry out both aerobic and resistance training as they both offer separate benefits, and try to consult your care provider if you have any physical limitations.

Eat A Healthy Diet

A healthy diet goes a long way in preventing the occurrence of metabolic syndrome. A healthy diet not just helps provide energy for the whole body, it’s also a source of various fats and oils. To this effect, you should incorporate healthy foods into your diet to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. For such patients, a diet rich in fibre and low in fat is recommended. The fibre can be either soluble or insoluble. Anyone will surely work.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking has proven to be a major factor in increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Quitting this entails protecting your whole system from danger. It is essential for those suffering from any risk factors for metabolic syndrome as this habit tends to increase the risk of insulin resistance. Other studies even show some relationships between smoking and obesity.

Reduce the Rate of Alcohol Intake

Aside from smoking, alcohol is also another notable cause of metabolic syndromes as it increases the risk of generation of atherosclerosis. Aside from this, studies also show that consistent drinking of alcohol increases the risk of initiating obesity and insulin resistance- coupled with an increase in the risk of impaired fasting glucose. With all these negative effects, you should limit your intake of alcohol when at risk of developing metabolic syndrome.

Use of Medications

When you don’t see any progress in the lifestyle changes and other non-medicated approaches, medications can then come in. The medication depends on the kind of factor of metabolic syndrome you’re trying to manage. Drugs used for restalling metabolic syndrome might include anti-diabetic, anti-hypertensive, and anti-hyperlipidemic. Also, drugs notable for reducing the risk of cardiac disease can be used. Remember to always follow the doctor’s prescription before taking any drug.

Other drugs that can be used include;

  • To lower the cholesterol level: Stains, fenofibrate, bile acid sequestrants, and niacin.
  • For diabetes: Glimepiride, Metformin, Voglibose. Note that these drugs can be used alongside a healthy diet and exercise to help manage the glucose level and body insulin sensitivity.
  • For managing cardiovascular diseases: Beta Blockers, Diuretics, and calcium channel Blockers.

Always go For Checkups.

Regular checkups is a must for patients at high risk for developing metabolic syndrome. This lets you know the monitor the condition –whether the therapies are working or are they any development of any related factor?

Wrap Up

 There are, however, different approaches used for the prevention of metabolic syndrome. They include; losing some weight when overweighed, regular exercises, taking a healthy diet, avoiding smoking, reducing the rate of alcohol intake, and the use of medications. Do you think other approaches were not stated in this article? Why not let us know today in the comment section?