Let’s be honest – the sweet potato is really not an eye-catcher from the outside with us a mostly reddish tuber, a bit misshapen, thick, elongated, no greenery around it.
But when you cut it open, it reveals its real face: it glows orange or purple from the inside – depending on the variety.
The taste is mildly sweet, slightly nutty and mealy in consistency when cooked, chaktty said.
Since the taste of its own is not particularly aromatic, it can be used in many ways and prepared tasty with the right spices.
Otherwise, it is more reminiscent of a mixture of carrot and Hokkaido.
The Beauregard variety that we offer the most is orange on the inside, but there are also purple ones that score with even better nutrients.
Other varieties, which are not very common here, have a white, yellow or pink color on the inside.
Botanically, the sweet potato belongs to the morning glory family and unlike the potato to the nightshade family, according to farmpally.
It is also called batate, white or red potato. Its Latin name is Ipomoea batatas.
As a plant, it forms meter-long tendrils, unlike tonka bean, The tuber can reach a weight of up to 1 kg.
However, it usually has an average weight of 200 to 300 g and is up to 30 cm long.
In terms of content, it consists mainly of water (approx. 78%), carbohydrates (20%), protein (1.6 g) and fat (0.1 g).
It naturally contains a lot of sugar at 4.2 g per 100 g, which gives it its sweet taste.
The calorie content is 108 kcal and the fiber content of 3 g is quite high and can therefore be rated positively, according to healthpally.

Can you eat the skin of the sweet potato?
A frequently asked question that can actually be answered with “yes”. You can eat sweet potatoes raw or even with their skins on.
In this case, it is best to prefer organic quality and clean it thoroughly under running water before consumption. This works particularly well with a vegetable brush.
Tips on buying, storing and shelf life of sweet potatoes – you should know that
The heat-loving sweet potatoes do not keep as long as normal potatoes.
They also contain more water and cannot tolerate the cold very well. That’s why they don’t belong in the fridge.
In order to achieve the longest possible shelf life of up to 6 months, they are ideally stored in a dark cellar at a temperature of around 15 degrees.
If you don’t have a cellar, you can store the tubers at room temperature, but you must store them in the dark, farm pally advised.
They can be wrapped in newspaper for this. Of course, the shelf life is reduced accordingly and they should be eaten within 2 weeks.
Is your sweet potato starting to sprout? No problem. If it looks good otherwise and isn’t moldy or soft, you can still eat it. In contrast to classic potatoes, no solanine is formed.
Preparation of the sweet potato in the oven, or in the pan.
The delicious vegetables can be prepared in many different ways:
Which is Healthier – Potato or Sweet Potato?
Both vegetables bring their specific benefits. But the reddish tuber is known for its particularly rich nutrient profile.
According to the American non-profit organization CSPI (Center for Science in the Public Interest), it is the most nutritious vegetable of all and has taken first place in the ranking.
It has so many nutrients and such a high energy density that even NASA decided to use it as space food in the 1990s.
The high fiber content of 3.14 g per 100 g ensures a slowly rising blood sugar level and a long-lasting feeling of satiety. A fiber intake of at least 30 g per day is recommended by health pally.
The power tuber also contains a lot of antioxidants: These help to counteract the cell damage caused by free radicals.
The purple varieties contain a particularly large number of antioxidants, but the common orange tuber also has a lot to offer.
In addition, the sweet potato is a real vitamin bomb: apart from vitamin D and B12, all vitamins are contained in the tuber.
A particularly high content of vitamins C, E, A and beta-carotene already covers a large part of the daily requirement for these vitamins.
Tip: Since vitamin A and E are fat-soluble vitamins, it is important to add some fat for absorption.
The high mineral content also makes these vegetables very nutritious.
Potassium, calcium, iron and zinc are particularly noteworthy here, the values of which cover 10 to 12% of the daily requirement, calculated per 100 g.
Sweet potatoes for diabetes and in the low-carb diet
There are 24 g of complex carbohydrates per 100 g of the sweet tuber, but no fat and just 108 kcal.
It is therefore not suitable for a low-carb diet that completely avoids carbohydrates.
However, since it contains many complex carbohydrates that do not cause the blood sugar level to skyrocket, such as white flour products or sugar, it can certainly be eaten in moderation from time to time even with a low-carb diet with few carbohydrates.
In contrast to the “normal” potato, it only has 15 g of carbohydrates.
Diabetics can certainly integrate the sweet potato into their diet plan.100 g contains two bread units.